HILLSBOROUGH: Union honors professional with yearly award

An instructional assistant within the Hillsborough township Public School District was recently recognized by her peers for her efforts in the classroom after receiving the 2017 Educational Support Professional of the Year Award.
Linda Garoian, an instructional assistant at Auten Road Elementary School, received the award from the Hillsborough Education Association on Wednesday, Nov. 16.
The award “honors the essential role these dedicated professionals perform in the Hillsborough school community,” according to the HEA.
“Whether in the classroom with her students, or outside of the classroom with her colleagues, Linda exemplifies what it means to be an instructional assistant,” Auten Road Intermediat School teacher Amy Salinger said. “Her warmth and compassion are shown on a daily basis and we do not know what we would do without her.”
Officials also touted Ms. Garoian’s professionalism, stating that she “exemplifies the dedication and professionalism of all Educational Support Professionals” by working to ensure students are successful.
“Ms. Garoian…is quick to go the extra mile to support her students, ensuring that they are successful in all aspects of school life,” officials said. “(She) connects with every student through his or her individual interests, even going as far as researching quantum physics when one student displayed an interest.”
The HEA currently represents more than 300 Educational Support Professionals within the district.
Along with her local win in Hillsborough, Ms. Garoian also received the same award for the entirety of Somerset County. Her successes at both the local and county level mean that she is also in the running for the state Educational Support Professional of the Year Award. 