EAST WINDSOR: Rimon Center educators to compete in bible contest

Rimon Center clergy couple Cantor Yair Shahak and Yaelle Frohlich will be the first married couple to compete in the same bible contest when they participate in the 2016 International Adult Bible Contest (Chidon HaTanach) in December in Jerusalem this December.
The two will compete in the same Chidon after earning top scores in preliminary rounds. Cantor Shahak will be representing the United States after tying for first place in the National Adult Bible Contest (USA finals) in New York in June. Ms. Frohlich, originally from Edmonton, Alberta, will be one of two contestants representing her home country of Canada after ranking second place among Canadian entrants.
Cantor Shahak holds a B.A. in Hebrew Literature, Bible, and Music and an M.A. in Biblical and Semitic Studies from Yeshiva University, and is currently pursuing a Master’s of Music in Violin Performance at the Aaron Copland School of Music.
Ms. Frohlich holds a B.A. in English Communications and an M.A. in Modern Jewish History from Yeshiva University, and is currently a Ph.D. candidate at New York University, specializing in nineteenth-century intellectual Jewish history.
The two are regular educators at the Rimon Center in East Windsor, New Jersey and often lead the center’s explanatory Shabbat Services.