PLAINSBORO: Special capital vote slated seeking money to replace firefighter equipment

By Lea Kahn, Staff Writer
PLAINSBORO — Plainsboro Township voters will be asked to approve spending up to $350,000 to replace some firefighter equipment at a special capital vote set for Dec. 3, according to Plainsboro Fire District No. 1 officials.
The special vote will be held between 2 and 9 p.m. at the Plainsboro Fire Co. headquarters at 405 Plainsboro Road. The special vote has been called by the Board of Commissioners of Plainsboro Fire District No. 1.
The commissioners are seeking money to replace the self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) worn by firefighters when they battle a fire. The SCBA includes the face mask and air bottles that protect them from toxic gases in fires and other hazardous situations.
The fire district’s current SCBA equipment will reach its required expiration date in early 2018.
If voters approve, the plan is to replace 33 SCBA units, which includes the frame, the regulator and the 30-minute air bottle that makes up a complete unit.
In addition, 38 spare air bottles that contain 30 minutes’ worth of breathing air will be purchased. The spare bottles are needed so that when a firefighter exhausts the air in the bottle, there will be another one that can be swapped out.
The board also will buy nine air bottles that contain one hour’s worth of breathing air. The 60-minute air bottles are used for extended rescue and fire rescue operations.
And there will be money to buy 50 facemasks. Each firefighter is issued a facemask, but the extra face masks are being ordered to accommodate a variety of sizes, plus some for new members.
“State law requires the fire district to obtain voter approval of a capital purchase during the calendar year prior to the year when the purchase will be made,” said Ted Wagner, chairman of the Board of Commissioners.
The plan is to buy the replacement SCBA equipment in 2017. The current equipment’s expiration date is 2018. 