HOPEWELL TOWNSHIP: Hart and Brant are experienced watchdogs

John Hansbuiry, Hopewell Township
Power corrupts; absolute power corrupts absolutely
Do we really want Hopewell Township government to become a mirror image of Mercer County government where one political party has total control and absolute power with no checks or balances over how tax dollars are spent and decisions are made in a vacuum?
In Mercer County, appointments to important boards and commissions are made solely on loyalty to the political party in power. No one ever questions decisions and the public is kept in the dark.
Remember the famous Lord Acton quote: “Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely”.
On Nov. 8, voters in Hopewell Township have a significant decision to make; do they want open government with checks and balances or do they want a government where decisions are made in a back room, minus the smoke?
By re-electing both John Hart and Todd Brant to the Hopewell Township Committee we will have experienced watchdogs who will make certain that our tax dollars will be used wisely and decisions over major development projects proposed by the current governing body will not receive an unchallenged rubber stamp approval.
Vote for both John Hart and Todd Brant to keep partisan politics in check and keep Hopewell Township a great place to live.
John Hansbury
Hopewell Township