PRINCETON: Bon Appetit wants open kiosk on Nassau Street

By Philip Sean Curran, Staff Writer
By Philip Sean Curran
Staff Writer
Bon Appetit, the gourmet food store in the Princeton Shopping Center, wants to establish a presence on the eastern end of Nassau Street next spring, according to plans filed with the municipal planning department this week.
A kiosk would open in the west side of the plaza in front of a new mixed used apartment building that is owned by Carnevale family, one of Princeton’s old Italian families with deep roots in town. Bon Appetit would look to sell food, like sandwiches, coffee and pastries, seven days a week, said Linda Fahmie, developer and property manager of the site.
It would open around the same time as the building–containing 23 apartments, a roof top patio and a branch of TD bank–that’s been named “Carnevale Plaza.” The site is the former Davidson’s Grocery.
The Bon Appetit kiosk would bring competition to an already crowded food market in that part of town, with local favorites Hoagie Haven and Small World Coffee located across the street. William Lettier, president of Bon Appetit, could not be reached for comment Thursday.
Ms. Fahmie said the Bon Appetit kiosk is modeled after the kiosks in New York City’s Bryant Park.