PRINCETON: Institute for Advanced Study reveals plans for new building

By Philip Sean Curran, Staff Writer
The Institute for Advanced Study has proposed constructing a campus building to include a café, meeting spaces and other features on a site used as parking lot off Einstein Drive.
“The design of the new facility respects and compliments the scale and character of the existing campus,” according to plans submitted to the municipal planning office on Thursday. “The proposed commons will provide informal and formal gathering spaces across a variety of scales, to be utilized by the existing Institute community.”
The roughly 20,500-square-foot building “primarily” would be one-story, plans showed. In addition to the café, it would have a campus living room, conference and meeting rooms, a media room and other features. The building would have environmentally friendly features, with the project designed to LEED silver standards, plans said.
The proposal would have to go before the municipal planning board for a hearing. The IAS said that prior to construction, an overflow parking lot on Olden Lane “will be improved as a ninety-nine space parking lot for the Institute community.”
The IAS was closed for the Christmas break, with a spokeswoman unavailable for comment.