EAST WINDSOR: Eagle Scout Alex Loporto wows council with project proposal

By Michael V. Crismali, Correspondent
EAST WINDSOR – In a 5-0 vote, the township council has unanimously approved for Boy Scout Troop 5700 to move forward with its project of building three picnic tables to be used at the park on Disbrow Hill Road. Council members Marc Lippman and Denise Daniels were not in attendance.
Alex Loporto, 17, from Troop 5700, came fully prepared with a powerpoint presentation as he laid out his Eagle Project Proposal, a comprehensive plan for the project. Alex addressed the materials that will be needed and the anticipated cost for said materials. He presented a plan for raising the capital to complete the job, and made sure to let Mayor Janice Mironov and the council know that all tools will be handled only by those qualified to do so.
Every detail was addressed, up to and including the transport of the finished products to their eventual resting spot, which will be coordinated with the mayor and council upon completion.
Based on comments from council members, it seemed they were impressed with Alex’s attention detail and the presentation as a whole. The time frame for completion of the project is before March 1.
To learn more about Boy Scout Troop 5700, visit its home page at http://www.troop5700.mytroop.us/front_page. 