WEST WINDSOR: Peter Mendonez elected Township Council president

By Lea Kahn, Staff Writer
WEST WINDSOR — Despite some jockeying for the position by Township Councilman Hemant Marathe, Township Councilman Peter Mendonez was elected to serve as Township Council president at the council’s annual reorganization meeting Tuesday., There was no discussion or opposition to Township Councilwoman Alison Miller’s nomination for Township Council vice president. She was elected unanimously., Earlier in the meeting, Ms. Miller nominated Mr. Mendonez for Township Council president and Councilwoman Linda Geevers nominated Mr. Marathe. “Yes” votes for Mr. Mendonez were cast by Councilwoman Ayesha Hamilton and Ms. Miller, while he cast the third vote for himself., Mr. Marathe received two votes — his own, and Ms. Geevers’ vote., Mr. Marathe made the case for his selection as Township Council president on the basis of who would be better suited to serve in that post. He cited his prior experience on the West Windsor-Plainsboro Regional School District Board of Education, including several stints as school board president., In his remarks after his election, Mr. Mendonez expressed his thanks for being given the “promotion” to Township Council president, and the opportunity to lead the governing body., Mr. Mendonez thanked his Township Council colleagues for “showing me the ropes,” and especially former Township Councilman Brian Maher. he said he “learned a lot” from Mr. Maher., Ms. Miller said Township Council wants to serve the community. Working together is the best way to get good results — whether it is West Windsor Township, the United States or the world, she said. It is time to forget about differences and to work together, she said., Ms. Hamilton said 2016, which was her first year on Township Council, was “incredible.” She said she was “terrified” when she was sworn into office, and while she is still terrified, she has learned about the issues facing the township, its history and “how we don’t repeat the same mistakes.”, Ms. Geevers, who was Township Council president last year, congratulated Mr. Mendonez and Ms. Miller, sand she would “still put in 110 percent” of effort. She said she is looking forward to a good year and some “spirited discussion” over issues., Mr. Marathe also promised to work with Township Council, although there may be disagreements., In other business, Ms. Hamilton was selected to serve a one-year term as Township Council’s representative on the Planning Board, and to serve on the Emergency Management Council. She was also appointed to the Cable TV Advisory Committee, along with Ms. Geevers., Ms. Miller was named to the Affordable Housing Committee., Township Council also agreed on its liaisons., Mr. Mendonez is the liaison to the Environmental Commission., Mr. Marathe is the liaison to the Parking Authority and the Zoning Board of Adjustment., Ms. Geevers is the liaison to the school board and to the Board of Recreation Commissioners.