PENNINGTON: Mayor honors Thomas Adelman with proclamation

By Frank Mustac, Contributor
Mayor Anthony Persichilli recently paid homage to borough resident Thomas Adelman for his continued volunteerism throughout the community., As a resident of Pennington for more than a decade with his wife Hannah S. Ross, and their two daughters, Camilla and Margaret, Mayor Persichilli said Mr. Adelman had been an asset to the borough., “Mr. Adelman has given countless hours of valuable service as a community volunteer in a number of capacities including to the Toll Gate Grammar School, the Hopewell Valley Girl Scouts, and has served with creativity and energy on numerous other Borough volunteer committees,” reads a proclamation from the mayor. “Mr. Adelman has been a tireless advocate for environmental sustainability and has contributed significantly to several Borough organizations in those efforts.”, According to officials, Mr. Adelman’s volunteer activities include involvement with the Pennington Public Library, having organized the Sustainable Sundays Film Festival. He also worked with the Hopewell Valley Green Team, organizing a green market on the lawn of the Pennington School and another green market at the Hopewell Train Station., Working with Pennington Borough government, he served on the Borough Environmental Commission and he organized the first recycling forum to educate residents and further recycling efforts., Mr. Adelman was “instrumental in the establishment of the Pennington Farmers Market in 2009 and the numerous festivals and special events that made the market a community treasure and continues to influence its continued success,” the proclamation reads. “The Mayor and Council of the Borough of Pennington hereby express gratitude and appreciation to Thomas Adelman.”