PRINCETON: Council set to introduce ‘work-in-progress’ budget at tonight’s meeting

By Philip Sean Curran, Staff Writer
Municipal spending in Princeton this year is projected to top $62 million, with an average tax hike of about $90., The council is scheduled to introduce the budget at its meeting tonight, a spending plan that town administrator Marc D. Dashield on Monday afternoon called a “work in progress.” The proposed spending plan is $62.4 million, or $400,000 more than last year., “We’re still working on some issues in the budget, so there may be amendments to that budget,” he said at Mayor Liz Lempert’s press conference., “There’ll be further discussion over the next month or so before it comes back for final adoption. And there’s usually adjustments and we’re continuing to look to see if there’s changes,” Mayor Lempert said., “It’s likely to change,” Council President Jenny Crumiller said at the press conference, The public hearing on the budget is scheduled for March 27.