STATE: Voters Must Raise Issues of Clean Energy and Safe Environment

To the editor:, The energy and environmental news coming out of Washington has been jarring, but in New Jersey there is hope on the home front., Two former New Jersey governors recently joined together to highlight the state’s bipartisan tradition of protecting the environment and natural resources. Former rivals Christie Whitman (R) and Jim Florio (D) set aside political differences and stressed the importance of electing a green Governor for New Jersey this November. If ever an issue should cut across political parties, it’s the need to protect our air, water, and open space., Numerous controversial new pipelines are proposed in the state to carry gas and oil –dirty fossil fuels. Instead of moving quickly to clean, homegrown energy like wind and solar, our state is in danger of falling behind. Pipeline supporters call gas a “bridge fuel”, but it is really a detour to a clean energy future. Pipelines delay renewable energy goals that are within reach – if we simply make the commitment., This is a crucial year for New Jersey’s environment. It’s up to voters to raise these issues so candidates must act on them. With both the governorship and the Legislature up for election, we have a great opportunity — an obligation — to make sure that clean energy and a healthy environment are campaign topics., Let’s set an example in New Jersey this year. As Governor Whitman said, we are “often looked on as a role model for other states.” Despite challenges in D.C., we must hold our ground and lead the way in protecting natural resources in the Garden State., Tom Gilbert, Campaign Director for the New Jersey Conservation Foundation and ReThink Energy NJ