HOPEWELL VALLEY: School district recognizes teachers of the year

By Frank Mustac, Contributor
Six teachers in the Hopewell Valley Regional School District were recently recognized as recipients of the Governor’s Educator of the Year Award as their family and friends shared in the occasion., The award winners, each from a different school in the district, are Kelly Stingel from Bear Tavern Elementary; Lauren DiGaetano from Hopewell Elementary; Matthew Close from Stony Brook Elementary; Amber Miller from Toll Gate Grammar; Lynnel Joy Jenkins from Timberlane Middle School; and David Sherwin from Central High School., “This truly is one of the highlights of the year for the school district and the board of education,” Anthony Suozzo, the school district human resources director, said during the board meeting on Monday. “Each year, the Governor’s Educator of the Year program honors teachers and educational service professionals throughout the state whose contributions to their students are exceptional.”, Educators are nominated for the award by their peers, parents and students, he said., During the school board meeting, each teacher was presented with a certificate and a bouquet of flowers as comments written by members of the school community praising the instructors were read aloud., David Friedrich, the principal at Hopewell Elementary, read comments written by students and parents about DiGaetano, who has worked at the school for the past six years teaching first, second and third grades., “Lauren always puts the needs of her students first. She advocates for her students needs, no matter what,” Friedrich read. “She meets new challenges with a silent determination and never underestimates her kids.”, Steven Wilfing, the principal at Stony Brook Elementary, spoke about Close, a fifth-grade teacher who has been at the school for 14 years., “He is very creative in his lessons and they are never boring,” Wilfing said, reading a few comments aloud. “Mr. Close deserves recognition because he has been a great teacher. He is very kind.”, Wilfing then read a comment from a former student, who wrote about Close: “If I were to become a teacher, he would be the person I would want to follow.”, Bear Tavern Elementary Principal Christopher Turnbull described Stingel, a fifth-grade teacher who has worked in the Hopewell Valley Regional School District for 27 years., “It became evident to me within a week of being on the job at Bear Tavern that Mrs. Stingel was special,” Turnbull said. “She is not only someone who creates special relationships with all students, students in her class and throughout the whole building, but finds out what her students need and what makes then tick and uses that to motivate and help all of her students be successful.”, “She’s a go-to member of our staff,” he said. “We know that she’s an outstanding teacher and we know that she’s a special person.”, Principal Faye Lewis at Toll Gate Grammar School read comments describing Miller, who teaches fourth grade., “She treats every student and staff member with respect,” Lewis read. “The students and staff can feel her warmth and look forward to being with her.”, “Amber is always looking for innovative ways to teach concepts to her students,” she continued. “Amber pushes her students to achieve their best.”, Timberlane Middle School Principal Rosetta Treece spoke about Jenkins, who teaches choir at the school., “Her discipline, her dedication to teamwork and respect – she gives that to her students and in turn they give that back to her,” Treece said. “Lynnel takes all students as they are, all students as they arrive at her door, and she takes those students, over a hundred at a time, and she has them sing in unison and has them make music that is beautiful, as is evidenced in her concerts.”, Principal Tana Smith from Central High School recited some of the comments praising Sherwin, who teaches English, creative writing and global public service classes., Comments about Sherwin included that he “never fails to make my day when I’m in his class,” that he “teaches with the passion of a million football fans” and that he is “a consummate teacher, the type of compassionate professional every student and parent hopes for.”, In addition to the ceremony at the Monday school board meeting, the award-winning teachers will be further feted at the upcoming annual Above and Beyond gala on May 6, held by the Hopewell Valley Education Foundation.