EAST WINDSOR: Township presents After Prom Committee with $1,000 grant

East Windsor Township showed its appreciation for the work done by the Hightstown High School After Prom Committee by presenting it a grant check for $1,000 from the East Windsor Municipal Alliance for the Prevention for Substance Abuse., East Windsor Mayor Janice S. Mironov, accompanied by council member Peter Yeager, coordinator of East Windsor Municipal Alliance for the Prevention of Substance Abuse (EWMAPSA), proclaimed the month of April Alcohol Awareness Month and presented a mayoral proclamation and the check to the East Windsor Regional School District and After Prom Committee, co-chairs Kathleen Fox and Roseann Weiss and committee member Maureen Petillo., Mayor Mironov praised “the caring parents and community members of the After Prom Committee for their excellent efforts in providing a safe and substance free environment for the young people in our community on their special prom night.”, The proclamation commends the East Windsor Regional School District Hightstown High School After Prom Committee noting, “the After Prom Committee has been providing an after prom event for the past 30 years, and during those years there have been no alcohol or drug related incidents on prom night.”, Yeager said that he “has had the opportunity to first-hand be present and participate in the event and that the After Prom volunteers do a great job in planning and carrying out this event.”