HILLSBOROUGH: Outsourcing EMS is a mistake

To the editor:, On Tuesday, March 28 at the Hillsborough Township Committee meeting, a packed room represented many residents’ concerns about outsourcing Hillsborough’s emergency medical services. Over twenty people spoke at length supporting our current HEMS and expressing dismay about outsourcing. Nevertheless, the township committee comprised of Doug Tomson, Gloria McCauley, Carl Suraci and Frank DelCore voted 4-0 to outsource Hillsborough’s emergency medical services to Robert Wood Johnson., Residents pointed to possible conflicts of interest. But what the residents emphasized repeatedly was the high quality of service provided by our HEMS. Over and over again, for hours, one resident after another praised the HEMS for their knowledge, expertise, medical care, prompt service, and efficient transportation. Several offered personal stories about how the HEMS provided wonderful care, sometimes saving their lives or the lives of their loved ones., Unfortunately, the residents’ concerns were not considered., The committee alluded to the following considerations regarding their decision: financial issues (HEMS building mortgage, and savings of $300,000, which is only one percent of the township budget); the failure of HEMS to submit a bid (because the township committee required bidders to have their own call center, which the township never needed before); strained communications with the HEMS chief., You know the saying “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it?” Well, at the risk of mixing metaphors, if it’s only broken a little, don’t throw the baby out with the bath water. The proven excellent service provided by our HEMS far outweighs the concerns expressed by the committee. The committee’s concerns are inconsequential compared to saving lives and providing emergency care and efficient transportation. RWJ’s bid is a theoretical proposal on paper. Our current HEMS has proven themselves for decades., Jane M. Staats, Hillsborough