PRINCETON: Police investigating series of attempted burglaries

By Lea Kahn, Staff Writer
A series of attempted burglaries and suspicious incidents on Prospect Avenue and Princeton-Kingston Road, in which an intruder entered the house while the residents were at home, is under investigation by the Princeton Police Department., Three of the incidents occurred in the 600 block of Prospect Avenue and a fourth incident occurred in the 900 block of Princeton-Kingston Road. All of the incidents were reported to have occurred between May 12 and May 13, police said., One caller reported that sometime between 5 and 6 a.m. on May 13, his wife heard someone in their house on Prospect Avenue and assumed it was him. But he was still asleep at the time. Nothing was reported missing, and police did not find any signs of forced entry into the house., In another incident that was reported at 2:02 a.m. May 13, a woman told police she saw a man inside her house on Prospect Avenue. When she confronted him, he fled on foot toward Princeton-Kingston Road., Also on May 13, a Princeton-Kingston Road resident told police that he was asleep in a second-floor bedroom when he was awakened at 4:45 a.m. by noise coming from the first floor. He went downstairs to investigate., It appears that someone entered the house through an unlocked kitchen window, but fled through the kitchen door when he heard the homeowner approaching. Nothing was reported missing., And in the fourth incident that occurred on May 12 but that was not reported until May 14, a Prospect Avenue resident reported that a family member recalled hearing the sound of metal shaking outside the house., Upon investigation, the caller discovered the neighbor’s side gate to the fence had been opened. The neighbors were home, but they did not hear anything. There was no entry into the house.