EAST WINDSOR: Officials impressed with Girl Scout’s cleanup project proposal

Lea Kahn, Staff Writer
By Lea Kahn, Staff Writer, Chloe Colleton loves visiting Etra Park., But the park – and especially the Environmental Center – has become untidy, and Chloe would like to clean it up., With Mayor Janice Mironov and Township Council’s blessing, Chloe plans to clean up the area around the Environmental Center to earn the Girl Scouts of America’s Silver Award., Chloe, who belongs to Girl Scout Troop 70106 and has reached Cadette status, presented her plans to Mayor Mironov and Township Council Tuesday night., “I like to be outside, and I visit Etra Park a lot. It’s dirty and I want to do something to make it clean,” Chloe said., When Mayor Mironov asked Chloe about her plans, the 14-year-old Girl Scout replied that she would like to plant flowers at the Environmental Center. She wants to plant perennials so they will bloom every year., To raise money for the project, Chloe said she plans to have a car wash. She said she does not need to spend much money, and that some of the younger girls in the Girl Scout troop will help in the clean-up effort., “That’s great,” Mayor Mironov said., Chloe told Township Council that she wants to start the project as soon as possible. The goal is to complete it by July 21. It must be finished by Sept. 30 – the beginning of 9th grade – in order to obtain the Silver Award. Chloe is in 8th grade., A Girl Scout starts the march toward achieving a Gold Award – the equivalent of the Boy Scouts’ Eagle rank – by earning a Bronze Award. The next step is the Silver Award, which Chloe is striving to earn, and then onto the Gold Award., Councilman Alan Rosenberg praised Chloe, noting that the project is “very impressive.”, “That’s a great project. Thank you for choosing it for the town,” said Councilman John Zoller., “We appreciate our coming in (to explain the project). The other thing we would like to do is a formal endorsement of it,” Mayor Mironov said. Township Council quickly passed a resolution that endorsed Chloe’s project., Mayor Mironov also praised Chloe for reaching out and picking a project in East Windsor Township to earn her Silver Award., “The whole area will look better. It reflects really well on you,” Mayor Mironov said.