East Windsor gets road improvement grant

East Windsor Township has been awarded a $335,000 grant from the New Jersey Department of Transportation Fiscal Year 2017 Municipal Aid Program for roadway improvements to Brooktree Road from Oak Creek Road to Dutch Neck Road and Wiltshire Drive from Dutch Neck Road to Dorchester Drive.
The $335,000 state grant will be used to resurface the roadway, as well as other associated improvements to curbing, drainage and handicap ramps. The township will proceed with the NJDOT mandated engineering work, and the project schedule will be determined upon engineering completion and NJDOT approval, and in coordination with other municipal projects.
"We are pleased to receive this roadway improvement grant and look forward to continuing our efforts to improve another important roadway area in East Windsor," said Mayor Janice Mironov. "Brooktree and Wiltshire are major and frequently used municipal roadways, which have deteriorated and are very much in need of repairs and improvements.”
According to the mayor, the grant funds are an important resource in the township’s efforts to undertake needed local roadway improvements, one that the township would otherwise have to devote local tax dollars to complete.
East Windsor obtained $300,000 in 2015 for improvements to Dorchester Drive from Dutch Neck Road to the West Windsor border, and $250,000 in 2014 for Hickory Corner Road from Dorchester Road to Dutch Neck Road.