East Windsor promotes two veteran police officers

By Lea Kahn, Staff Writer
There were smiles all around at the East Windsor Township Council meeting last week as two veteran police officers moved up the ranks and were promoted – one to lieutenant and the other to sergeant.
East Windsor Township police officers – from patrolman to lieutenant – lined the walls of the meeting room to support newly promoted Lt. Scott Bodnar and Sgt. Thomas Meyer as they were sworn into their new positions.
"This speaks well of the police department," Mayor Janice Mironov said as she surveyed the meeting room and noted the police officers in attendance at the Aug. 8 meeting.
"This is a very exciting night. It’s a celebration for the two officers. When you promote an officer, it is something really special. Promotions are earned," Mayor Mironov said.
"You join the police department, you work hard, but there is a limit to the number of officers who achieve an opportunity to rise in the ranks. It is a special milestone in their career (when they are promoted)," she said.
Mayor Mironov said the two officers have conducted themselves in an "exemplary" manner and have demonstrated excellent skills. They have shown themselves to be models, she said, adding that their family and friends should be "extremely proud" of them.
Turning to Lt. Bodnar, Mayor Mironov said he joined the Police Department in 1994 after graduating from the Gloucester County Police Academy. He was promoted to sergeant in 2011. He also attended Gloucester County Community College.
During his career as a police officer, Lt. Bodnar received many awards and citations, including being named Officer of the Year, she said. He is dedicated and serious. He cares about the department and the community, and will make an excellent lieutenant, she said.
"The next happiest person in this room is our new Sgt. Meyer," Mayor Mironov said as she introduced the newly promoted police officer.
Sgt. Meyer, who graduated from the Cape May County Police Academy, joined the Police Department in 2006. He has served in many capacities, including detective. He holds bachelor’s and master’s degrees from Fairleigh Dickinson University, she said.
Sgt. Meyer has excelled in his career and has been named Officer of the Year, Mayor Mironov said. He has shown outstanding leadership, and will do an outstanding job as a police sergeant, she said.
Then it was Chief of Police Jame Geary’s turn to congratulate the new lieutenant and sergeant, and to thank all who attended the swearing-in ceremony – the officers’ friends and families, and the rest of the Police Department.
Chief Geary said there are important events that take place in one’s personal life and important events that take place in one’s professional life – and it is a "special occasion" when the two come together.
Promotions are instrumental to the leadership of the Police Department, and if past performance is an indicator, "we will be in great hands. They will both do an excellent job," Chief Geary said.