HIGHTSTOWN: HHS boosters tee off to support student-athletes

The Hightstown High School Rams Football Parents Club is hosting a fund-raising golf event on Monday, Aug. 21, to support student-athletes at the High School.
Proceeds from the 18-hole outing will go toward the players’ helmet decals, nutritious dinners on game days and the college scholarships that are awarded at the end-of-season banquet.
"We are particularly thrilled that the equipment we are donating this year to the refurbished weight room at the high school will reach beyond the football team to benefit all of the school’s athletes,” said Cory Delgado, the club’s president.
“As our young men are preparing for their fall season, it’s heartening to know that our Parents’ Club – and our community – are working to have our backs”, said head coach Ethan Jeros. “We are grateful for all that they do, and we look forward to taking the field with the same heart, enthusiasm and winning determination.”
This is the initial golf outing for the group and will be held at Mercer Oaks Golf Club. The day includes golf, giveaways, contests, food and beverages.
For more information, contact Cory Delgado at [email protected].