COLLEGE CONNECTION: Impress colleges with STEM education

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As the new school year gets underway, and students choose the activities that will engage them in their afterschool hours, it’s wise for them to take a step back and think through the choices they are making and the long term effects of their decisions. Years ago, when colleges were seeking well-rounded students, it benefitted students to join a gamut of activities, ranging from sports to music to academic-oriented clubs such as debate teams and Model U.N.
Colleges are no longer looking for renaissance students who have spread themselves thin, engaged in many activities.  Rather, colleges are seeking students with a particular passion and expertise that they have developed over the course of time.  They are seeking depth over breath, so students should choose wisely.
Many academic-oriented students are choosing afterschool activities that align with their higher education and career goals.  According to Kamal Deep, owner of JEI Learning Centers in Montgomery, Hillsborough and Bridgewater, students as young as Kindergarten level are developing a passion and talent for STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math).  “We are proud to inspire children to build on their natural curiosity by teaching engineering concepts through hands-on learning,” stated Deep.  His EFK (Engineering For Kids) curriculum includes: Robotics, Electronic Game Design, Computer Science, and Aerospace, Chemical and Marine Engineering.
Students who seek an athletic focus should choose their sport wisely.  Unless they have a natural talent and truly excel at baseball, basketball or football, it is unlikely that these extremely popular sports will give them an edge in the college admission process.  The competition is substantially less fierce for students who excel in fencing, ice hockey, or lacrosse, or gymnastics (for men) or synchronized swimming for women).
Students with a bent for dancing might want to develop their skills in a specialized area such as Indian Dance, Hip Hop, Jazz, or Irish Step Dancing.  While having fun advancing their talent, they may end up being sought after for the Indian Dance Team at Rutgers, the Hip Hop Team at Temple, Ohio State or the University of Delaware, the Jazz Team at Hofstra or the University of Michigan, or the Irish Dance Team at Villanova, Fordham, Georgetown or Boston College.
By choosing an activity that is both fun and purposeful, students can enjoy their afterschool hours while putting themselves on the right track to ultimately impress college admissions officers.
Susan Alaimo is the founder and director of SAT Smart in Hillsborough that has been offering PSAT, SAT, and ACT preparation courses, as well as private tutoring by IVY-League educated instructors, for more than 20 years. Visit