Developer’s plan for old Post Office is a ‘Triumph’

BY Philip Sean Curran
Staff Writer
A California developer got approval from the town Thursday to turn the former Post Office in Palmer Square into a restaurant, with Triumph Brewing Co. moving from Nassau Street to the location.
TDavid Eichler, who closed on the property this week, was not at the municipal planning board hearing to see the outcome. But his lawyer, Richard Goldman, said immediately afterward that the project would preserve a historic building downtown “to make it into an active use.”
“I think of all the projects I’ve done in town, I thought this was just really a tremendous asset to the downtown, in an area that’s been dark for a long time,” he said, as the post office building has been vacant for since the latter part of 2015. “The improvements to that street, that section of Palmer Square where the loading docks are, I think is going to be like night and day.”
Next, Eichler has to do the construction work to make the building a restaurant. Goldman left the door open to Triumph opening there next year.
For his part, Triumph owner Adam Rechnitz, who attended the hearing, said he was “pleased” with Thursday’s outcome. He has been in Princeton for 22 years.