Window cleaner indicted for teen shower photos at school

Phillip Sean Curran, Staff Writer
An employee of a cleaning company working at the Hun School was indicted Wednesday on charges that he had photographed a 14-year-old female Hun student showering at the school in August 2016.
Henry O. Torres-Lopez, 30, was hired to clean windows at the boarding school at the time of the alleged incident. He is charged with second-degree endangering the welfare of a child and third-degree invasion of privacy, offenses that carry up to 15 years in state prison. He is accused of using an iPhone 6 to take pictures of the girl, authorities have said.
Princeton Police arrested him, and also accused him of deleting some pictures to get rid of evidence.
The Mercer County Prosecutor’s Office did not get into any specifics about the case or why it took until now to present the case to the grand jury. He does not have a court date scheduled as of Monday.
A Hun School spokeswoman did not return a phone call seeking comment last week. The school, after his arrest, had said Torres-Lopez was not an Hun employee.
The name of the cleaning company has not been disclosed or whether Torres-Lopez still works there.