HILLSBOROUGH: ‘Why mess with success?’ Vote Republican

Reader Submitted
To the editor:
The all-Republican Hillsborough Township Committee, led by Open Space Liaisons Gloria McCauley and Doug Tomson, in partnership with the all-Republican Somerset County Freeholders, have done an amazing job of Open Space and Farmland Preservation since the inception of the program. With over 11,000 acres preserved out of 35,000 acres in the whole township, this  accomplishment has taken hundreds of potential houses off the map  forever and saved taxpayers thousands of dollars. And the current township committee has taken steps to preserve another 330 acres from potential development.
Why mess with success? I urge you to vote to continue this outstanding record. Freeholder Mark Caliguire, running for the State Assembly in our 16th Legislative District, also deserves our support for his contributions to our Open Space achievements.
Please vote for Republican Assembly candidate Caliguire, Freeholders Levine and Gallagher and Township Committee members McCauley and Tomson.
Chickie Haines
Chairperson of the Hillsborough Open Space Committee