MONTGOMERY: School board eliminates student admission fees to sports events

By Lea Kahn, Staff Writer
Aiming to encourage students to attend Montgomery High School athletic events, the Montgomery Township school board has eliminated the $2 admission fee for the 2017-18 school year.
The school board voted last week to drop the admission fee for Montgomery Township public school district students to attend high school football and basketball games and wrestling matches when they are played at home at Montgomery High School.
Montgomery Township public school district students who are under 10 years old are admitted free of charge. Students who are at least 10 years old also may enter free of charge when they show a Montgomery Township public school district identification card.
Adults will continue to pay $5 to watch Montgomery High School football games, and $4 to watch basketball games and wrestling matches when they are played at home.
Eliminating the student admission fee for home football and basketball games and wrestling matches falls in line with the school district’s recent decision to drop the student activity fee for the 2017-18 school year.
The student activity fee, which was $100 per student and capped at $200 per family, applied to students in grades 7-12 who participated in sports, clubs and other activities.
The school board left intact the current fees for other events.
Tickets to the Montgomery High School fall play remain at $6 for adults and $5 for students. Tickets to the high school spring musical are unchanged at $8 for adults and $7 for students.
Tickets to see the Upper Middle School spring musical will continue to cost $10 for adults and $5 for students.
The school board also retained the $200 parking fee for Montgomery High School seniors who drive to school. Priority for parking spaces is given to high school seniors and then to high school juniors.