HILLSBOROUGH: Haas outlines intent as BOE candidate

Andrew Martins, Managing Editor
To the editor:
I am honored to be a candidate for a fifth term on the Hillsborough Board of Education.  I hope the residents of our town will support my re-election on Tuesday, November 7.
The board has many challenges that require experienced, dedicated, knowledgeable, caring and independent board members. I have spent most of my life in public service and I know how to get things done efficiently and effectively. As a board member, I have a record of accomplishment, accessibility and decision-making based on values and equity. I work hard and never rubber-stamp anything. I am deeply concerned about all of the children of our district, and want each one to have the best possible future.
During my twelve years on the board, I served three years as vice president and earned the designations of Master Board Member and Certificated Board Member from the NJ School Boards Association. I currently chair the education committee and previously chaired the communication committee. I served on the governance, curriculum, finance, personnel, policy, operations, and facilities committees as well. I am also the president of the Board of Directors of the Somerset County Educational Services Commission which provides special education and alternative education programs, shared services to all school districts, and a brand new career center for vocational training.
My priorities as a board member are to:

  • Provide a high-quality, well-rounded education that allows all students to reach their maximum potential;
  • Improve our curriculum, class offerings, and student achievement levels;
  • Maintain reasonable class sizes;
  • Provide additional resources for those who need them;
  • Recruit and retain the best teachers and support staff;
  • Encourage the infusion of technology, 21st century skills, and global understanding;
  • Balance needs with the realities of the economy;
  • Create credible, responsible budgets that maximize instruction and minimize administrative costs;
  • Assure that our facilities are clean, “green,” safe, and secure;
  • Strengthen communication with the public through our web site, e-newsletters, electronic alerts, social media, online surveys, and special programs.

My experience also includes serving as former President and Treasurer of the independent Hillsborough Public Library Advisory Board. I have co-chaired Project Graduation and participated in a full range of school, club, and sports activities as a volunteer.
Professionally, I served as Hillsborough’s Township Administrator, preceded by a career in New York City Government as a high level administrator and public policy advisor. I have a Bachelor’s Degree in Political Science and Communication and a Master’s Degree in Public Administration. Personally, I have been blessed with a wonderful husband, Lloyd (a teacher for 40 years), an awesome son, Lenny (currently attending Mayo Clinic School of Medicine), great stepsons Marc and David (successful Hillsborough graduates), great daughters-in-law Betsey and Nachama, and six beloved grandchildren.
A community is defined, in great part, by its schools. Hillsborough is recognized throughout the state and country for having high-performing, low-cost schools, and this benefits all of our residents. I am proud to be a board member working to keep our schools strong and I would be proud to continue to serve our community and our children. I welcome your support on Tuesday, November 7. Thank you so much!
Judy Haas