HOPEWELL TOWNSHIP: Democrat outlines qualifications for township committee

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To the editor:
With Election Day less than 50 days away, Mayor Kevin Kuchinski and I look forward to meeting with Hopewell Township residents to continue to listen to your thoughts and concerns as we run for the Hopewell Township Committee.
I have lived in the Harbourton section of the Township for the past 19 years. We live in the
house my wife, Tracy Vogler, grew up in. Her parents moved here in 1968 and stayed for life. When Tracy’s mother, June, decided to move out of her house, she was happy that she did not have to leave the Township but could move to Four Seasons at Brandon Farms.
I spent the first few years in Hopewell Township as a stay-at- home father with our son Teddy. Before then, Tracy and I had been living in the Washington, DC, area, where I went to law school at Georgetown after graduating from Penn State. I worked as an attorney for the Federal Communications Commission and at a large law firm, but Tracy and I decided moving to the township would give our son the quality of life we wanted for him.
Since then, I started working at Comcast, and we added our twins, Bobby and Billy to the family. Teddy has since graduated from Hopewell Valley Central High School, and the twins are at Timberlane. And after visiting us frequently, my mother made the move from Pennsylvania to the township because she loved the area.
I am currently serving on the Hopewell Township Finance Advisory Committee and the Environmental Commission. I have been a part of the hard work that dedicated volunteers undertake to help the township. I have worked to make sure our tax dollars are used efficiently, and that our environment is protected.
I am proud to be running for Hopewell Township Committee with Mayor Kevin Kuchinski and know that working together, we can make Hopewell Township an even better community to live in while keeping taxes down and services in place. That’s what Democrats have done here in the township, and that’s what we’ll do in the future.
For more information about our goals and plans to keep the township the terrific place it is to live, I invite you to visit us on Facebook at Kuchinski and Ruger for Hopewell Township.
Michael Ruger
Hopewell Township