HILLSBOROUGH: Republicans have been good for farmland

Reader Submitted
To the editor:
As a member of the Hillsborough Open Space Committee and Agricultural Committee in Hillsborough, I have seen firsthand the tremendous job Committeeman Doug Tomson, and the rest of the Republican led township committee have done in preserving open space and farmland. The numbers are outstanding — over 11,000 acres, with much of it designated for public use for passive recreation.
My family boards horses and we appreciate the planning for connecting trails for horseback riding as well as jogging, birding and just plain enjoyment of nature, land owned by the township and the 5,000 acres in the county’s Sourland Preserve, the largest county and township park in the state.
I support Deputy Mayor Gloria McCauley and Committeeman Douglas Tomson because of their dedication to the township, their good fiscal management practices, and their efforts to keep Hillsborough one of the best places in NJ to live.
Greg Hawzen