HOPEWELL: School board candidate shares his background

Reader Submitted
To the editor:
My family and I moved to Hopewell Township last year because we fell in love with the natural beauty of the area, the camaraderie of the local community, and the region’s excellent public schools. Since I wish to contribute to our community and I believe my professional experience will be helpful in guiding our schools through the challenges of the coming years, I am running for a seat on the HVRSD School Board.
As a father of 3 young children, I have a vested interest in the continued success of our public schools.  As a former board member of a K-12 school in New York, I have seen how policy decisions can impact schools, students and their communities. I want to ensure that our school district maintains both the high academic standards and co-curricular activities that allow students to thrive.   I believe in encouraging students to be engaged community members who value one another’s differences in a diverse and interconnected world. Finally, I wish to see our students equipped with the skills to be successful in a 21st century economy.
Since receiving my undergraduate and graduate business degrees from the University of Michigan and Dartmouth College, respectively, I have helped Fortune 500 companies solve complex problems.  Today I work in finance and operations at a global media company. Every day, I listen to multiple viewpoints and, with colleagues, identify common goals and develop solutions to meet these goals, often working within financial and other constraints.
I’m proud to share a ticket with Adam Sawicki (a two term board member that brings amazing experience) and Alyce Murray (Vice President of the Board who brings uncompromising leadership skills);  we would be grateful for your vote on November 7th.
Darius Matthews
Hopewell Township