HILLSBOROUGH: Republicans are good for taxes, services

Reader Submitted
To the editor:
As long-time residents of Hillsborough, I am proud to live in our community. My friends who visit us from other cities and towns comment on the beauty of our community and the efficiency with which it is run. Often, I have contacted township employees and have always been provided with information and action on my concerns. This reminds us that we often take good township management for granted.
I believe that our township is run in a financially prudent and fiscally responsible manner with low debt ratio and good services. For the seventh-consecutive year the township’s spending plan has been under the state’s 2 percent tax levy cap, and for the third consecutive year, there have been no municipal tax rate increase. The township also makes higher payments on debt service than what is required. The library, parks and other recreation activities are the pride of Hillsborough and are managed effectively.
As our town has grown, we have experienced excellent growth through even tough times. I attribute this to good leadership and sound management.
That is why I support the reelection of Deputy Mayor Gloria McCauley and Committeeman Doug Tomson. Both Doug and Gloria have served the township committee in various capacities including multiple tenures as Deputy Mayor and Mayor.
Over these past weeks, the public and I have had the opportunity to observe and evaluate the perspectives and agendas of the various candidates in the upcoming elections. Gloria and Doug’s honest, pragmatic, progressive and hopeful insight into our community’s problems and needs, and their willingness to examine the issues and listen closely to the public’s questions and concerns, sets them far apart from the other hopefuls’ expected techniques and talk.
I urge my fellow Hillsborough residents to exercise their right to vote in the upcoming elections. Let’s ensure these folks get re-elected this November.
Surajit Deb