PENNINGTON: Three reasons to support Volpe

Reader Submitted
To the editor:
Let me begin by saying that I don’t believe in the two-party political system. To me, it is an outdated bureaucratic system with mediocre thinkers and non-effective leaders who accomplish minimal objectives (locally and nationally). With that said, I am supporting Phil Volpe for the Hopewell Township Committee for three reasons: first, Phil brings a level of “common sense” for the committee and township. He doesn’t get caught up in silly politicking but prefers to “do the right thing versus always doing things right.” He also asks tough questions before deciding on a path of action. Second, Phil is a small business owner who understands the need for education for our children while also bringing new small business owners into our area to help offset taxes and provide services. Third, Phil and his family have lived in the area for 20+ years. He knows the history; what programs have worked and what programs will be difficult to implement. Hopewell Township needs a blend of the “new” while retaining our rich culture.
Last, Phil brings a level of integrity that our township would embrace and have confidence he will listen to concerns; then working on a collaborative basis to “develop simple solutions for complex issues.” I would encourage you to learn more about Phil and then make an educated vote in November.
Michael Bruno