HILLSBOROUGH: Zobele candidate introduction

Reader Submitted
To the editor:
My name is Thomas J. Zobele and I am a lifetime Hillsborough resident, an honors graduate of Rutgers, and now a candidate for the Hillsborough Township Public School Board. Currently, I am employed by the State of New Jersey, where I assist clients in accessing vital services.
My interests outside of the work day also reflect my desire to serve. For the past five years I have been an active member of the Knights of Columbus, working with my fellow brother Knights to provide for those in need. I am also active with Boy Scout Troop 1776, and achieved the rank of Eagle Scout following the completion of a brick walkway in the Sensory Garden at Ann Van Middlesworth Park. Each summer, I work with the troop to sponsor a blood drive in honor of my late father, Silvano Zobele.
I believe those who seek public office should be active participants in the community they propose to serve. I have been a consistent participant, attending school board meetings, asking questions, even challenging the board on issues of importance. I know that I can contribute to bettering our schools as a member of the school board.
I look forward to shaking your hand on the campaign trail.
For further Information please visit thomaszobele.com
Thomas J. Zobele