HOPEWELL: An open letter to Mayor Kuchinski

Reader Submitted
To the editor:
At the finance committee meeting on August 3, Mayor Kevin Kuchinski made a public statement during the meeting, which was recorded on the audiotape of that meeting, that “there have been complaints filed” against me, and that I could “check with the police.”
Don’t believe it? Listen to the audiotape for yourself.
After I did indeed check with the police, I learned that Mayor Kuchinski’s public statement about me was completely false.
At the next Finance Committee meeting on October 5, the September meeting having been cancelled, on the audiotape record of that meeting, I requested an apology from Mayor Kuchinski in the same public forum where he made his false public claim about me. Following my request, Mayor Kuchinski remained silent.
Don’t believe it? Listen to the audiotape for yourself.
If Mayor Kuchinski made this false public statement about me erroneously or by way of misunderstanding, human decency requires that a retraction and an apology is in order.
If Mayor Kuchinski made this false public statement about me with actual malice, having knowledge that it was false or with reckless disregard for the truth, his continued stonewalling speaks volumes about his mindset.
Harvey Lester