HOPEWELL: Kuchinski says he and Ruger are environmentally friendly

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To the editor:
Hopewell Township is undeniably a special place, with its rolling hills and farmland, miles of recreational trails, strong schools, and a cohesive community spirit. The people of Hopewell Township look out for one another and we’ve worked together over the years to build a strong community.
I believe in giving back to the community and that’s why I have served on the Hopewell Township Committee the last three years, and am running for re-election. Together, we have made strong progress in protecting Hopewell Valley’s rural character.
With FoHVOS, the Watershed, the NJ Conservation Foundation, and other area groups and municipalities, we worked to preserve open space across Hopewell Township. This includes the dedication of the new Mt. Rose Preserve that prevented the construction of hundreds of new homes and the resulting traffic. With our Agricultural Advisory Committee, we have sourced outside grant monies to preserve working farms, ensuring families can afford to continue farming their land and pass it on to the next generation. And we have fought to keep sewers and the associated unchecked development out of currently pristine areas of the township.
Looking ahead, we must continue the fight to protect our quality of life. This includes stopping the PennEast pipeline. I have been and will continue to be on the front lines of this battle, in partnership with fellow residents, other elected officials and environmental organizations.
We will also partner with the Lawrence Hopewell Trail organization to complete the trail and make Hopewell a more walk-able/bike-able community. Just this year, we lobbied for and were granted a $1 million state grant (one of only seven in the state) to complete one of the last remaining segments off of Carter Road.
My running mate, Michael Ruger, currently serves on the Environmental Commission and shares these values. He and I are committed to protecting Hopewell Township and preserving its rural character.
Let’s work together to keep Hopewell Township green and affordable. On November 7, please vote for both Kevin Kuchinski and Michael Ruger for Hopewell Township Committee.
Kevin D. Kuchinski
Democratic Candidate for Hopewell Township Committee