HILLSBOROUGH: Union touts custodian’s service with annual award

Andrew Martins, Managing Editor
A largely behind-the-scenes employee within the Hillsborough Township Public School District was recently honored with booming accolades for years of making sure things run smoothly at Woodfern Elementary School when he was named the 2018 Educational Support Professional of the Year.
James Cox, the head custodian at Woodfern, was touted by district and Hillsborough Education Association (HEA) officials for his work as a “consummate professional” whose handiness provides staff and teachers at the school with some peace of mind.
“James Cox embodies every aspect of what it means to be an Educational Services Professional: advocacy for students and staff, commitment to making his school the best it can be, and superior work and achievement in all of his duties,” Woodfern Elementary School Principal Steve Kerrigan said. “I truly do not know what we would do without him.”
The award “honors the essential role these dedicated professionals perform in the Hillsborough school community,” according to the HEA. Cox is one of more than 300 educational support professionals currently employed at the school district.
The school district’s business administrator, Aiman Mahmoud, said Cox’s “level of honesty, integrity, dedication and kindness is unprecedented.”
Along with his work as head custodian, Cox is also a member of the negotiations team and the head custodial representative within the HEA.
“Mr. Cox is highly regarded by the community, HEA members and the administration, alike,” Henry Goodhue, president of the HEA, said. “He is a knowledgeable and skilled representative, whose staunch support of public education help to ensure that Hillsborough students and staff both continue to achieve success within our schools.”