How Central Jersey Companies are Missing Major Traffic Avenues Online

Contributed Content

Central Jersey companies are not making the most of their web presence. This is according to Matt Wheeler from

One of the first pieces of advice from Matt is to track your competitor’s web traffic to see what you’re up against and where they’re sourcing their traffic from. It will give you a good idea of industry-specific traffic sources.

But in the meantime here are some major missing traffic avenues your company should be considering.

Are You Getting Involved?

One of the most common mistakes Central Jersey companies are making is treating SEO as something separate from customers. Matt says that it was once like this when SEO was just about adding in keywords and a few links.

In this day and age companies have to interact with their customers. It’s the only way to stand out from the competition.

One of the best ways to do this is to get involved in the conversation. Leaving helpful comments on high-traffic blogs and on trending social media conversations can make your company more visible.

Mobile Adoption has to be Higher

Did you know that mobile devices are expected to drive 80% of all web traffic in the next few years?

Yet it’s amazing how so many businesses in Central Jersey have yet to optimize for mobile. Yes, some of them have apps, but this is only helpful after customers have already discovered you.

Matt says he is shocked by the fact that companies have apps before their websites even work on mobile devices.

It’s so simple to optimize for mobile. Popular web builders, like WordPress, have already optimized their themes to automatically work on mobile.

Companies are Not Moving Away from Traditional Content

Another sign that Central Jersey companies are struggling is their web strategies, if they have one, are still geared towards traditional blogging.

Blogging is still useful for content marketing, but you have to go further if you want to be competitive in 2018. You must be able to produce a wide variety of content.

Image-based content, such as infographics, are still extremely powerful. But video marketing is the most effective of all.

Why the change, though?

It’s due to the rise of mobile devices, which we talked about in the last section. Your average mobile user doesn’t have the time to read a long blog when they’re on the bus to work. But they do have time to watch a two-minute video.

Branch out into video marketing. You don’t need to have an enormous Hollywood budget to produce videos on a regular basis.

Last Word – Change Your Web Presence Today

Companies in Central Jersey have fallen behind states like New York when it comes to how they market themselves online.

The answer is all linked back to the mobile revolution. With so much traffic coming exclusively from mobile, companies are losing out on millions every year by not orientating themselves towards this audience.

Are you ready to change your web strategy?