Why You Shouldn’t Ignore “That” Problem In The Bedroom

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As men age, there is understandably wear and tear of certain body parts. Such an occurrence can be erectile dysfunction, which is a common problem for men as they age. Erectile dysfunction is experienced by 40% of men in their 40s and 70% of men in their 70s. Are you suffering from erectile dysfunction? According to medical experts, here are some possible signs that you may be experiencing the onset of ED: 

  • Soft erections – even when aroused, men with erectile dysfunction have problems with the types of erections they have. This makes sex less pleasing or difficult to initiate.
  • Reduced sexual desire – due to softer erections, some men may be left with a reduced libido, causing them to avoid sex even when their partners initiate. Reduced libido also means lack of self-confidence during intercourse and overall outlook as a person.
  • Difficulty keeping an erection – some men may also have difficulties maintaining an erection during intercourse. Erectile dysfunctions aren’t just described by the type of erections but also the duration.

Erectile dysfunction does not only affect men but also their partners who have their own needs. This isn’t just a physical problem in the bedroom, but an emotional one as well. Below are some of the reasons why you shouldn’t ignore this problem. 
Why You Shouldn’t Ignore “That” Problem In The Bedroom
1. Continuous decline of sexual desire
Having erectile dysfunction spoils the fun between you and your partner. When you feel like you can’t get an erection, you will most likely feel anxious and unaroused. This may be the start of the decline in sexual desire, which may even bring problems in intimacy between you and your partner later on. 
2. Dissatisfaction expressed by your partner
This problem in the bedroom doesn’t just affect you. It may potentially affect your partner. If you are experiencing erectile dysfunction, it may be difficult to please your partner in bed. This will cause feelings of dissatisfaction from your partner, which in turns decreases their desire to be intimate with you. Lack of intimacy can be one of the main relationship problems that most couples face. 
3. Loss of Confidence
As you suffer from erectile dysfunction, you might also have feelings of self-doubt. Sexual performance is one of the key aspects of male confidence. When you feel like you can’t perform in bed like you used to, it may even go as far as affecting other aspects of your life–such as your self-perception, confidence to take on goals, and even how you deal with other people. 
4. Impotence
If you and your partner are planning to conceive, erectile dysfunction can also be a cause of impotence. You should not ignore this problem if you truly want to have a baby. 
5. Possible sign of other problems
Additionally, erectile dysfunction may not just be a problem in itself, it could also be a sign of other conditions. These include obesity, diabetes, metabolic problems, and many others. You can also reduce erectile dysfunction by addressing the conditions that may have caused it. You need to consult your doctor in order to discover which treatment options are best for you. 
Taking Medications for Erectile Dysfunction
Thankfully, there are many medications that can help men with erectile dysfunction. Such is Levitra, which allows men to reduce the symptoms of erectile dysfunction. Ask your doctor about Levitra, and you can simply have a Levitra coupon card by visiting websites such as SingleCare. The Levitra coupon card can be used in your local participating pharmacies such as Walgreens and CVS. 
About Mark Alvarado
Mark Alvarado has created this post to help men who may be suffering from erectile dysfunction. Being an all-around expert writer, Mark Alvarado continually travels and finds ways for others to save money while being digital nomads.