How Can Microsoft MTA 98-375 Certification Exam Boost Your Career towards Application Development

The Microsoft 98-375 certification exam covers the topics of HTML5 application development fundamentals. It can help you become an expert in HTML programming, or improve your skills if you already have this job. If you are a web designer who wants to apply for any senior position in a well-established company, then you should consider getting the Microsoft HTML5 certificate. Although it’s not absolutely needed for getting a job because real experience is always more valued, it can still prove that you are capable of performing HTML-related tasks and have the right skills to deal with any issues in this area.
There are only a few HTML credentials that you can obtain online (Cisco, Oracle, Microsoft, and W3Schools). According to the survey conducted among the top-50 IT companies, the best certificate to obtain is the one received after passing the Microsoft 98-735 test.
Taking the Microsoft 98-735 certification exam will cost you $127. You can take this test in a variety of languages, including English, Chinese, Spanish, French, German, Japanese, Italian, Russian, Portuguese, and Korean.There are no age limitations, so anyone can take this exam, as long as you register and make the payment on time.
What topics does the test cover?
The Microsoft 98-375certification exam consists of four topics, and each of them checks a different set of skills of a potential HTML programmer:

  • Coding with JavaScript.This topic will demonstrate how good you are in coding animations with JavaScript, accessing data with JavaScript, and responding to the touch interface. According to the Microsoft website, this topic will cover up to 35% of the exam questions.
  • Building User Interface with HTML5. This topic will check your abilities to choose and configure HTML5 tags to achieve a wide range of tasks, such as displaying graphics, displaying text content, organizing content and forms, and playing media. This topic may cover up to 30% of the entire exam content.
  • Managing application lifecycles.This part of the test will cover your understanding of the fundamentals of the platforms, as well as your ability to manage the state of applications.
  • Formatting User Interface with Cascading Style Sheets (CSS).This topic will determine your ability to arrange user interface with CSS, manage the text flow with CSS, and understand essential concepts of CSS.

As you can see from the topics listed above, this exam will cover not only HTML5, but also some questions about CSS3 and JavaScript technologies, which are often used to develop applications. Therefore, it is not recommended to take this test if you are not familiar with JavaScript and CSS. Having practical experience with these tools and other relevant technologies may greatly help you in passing the 98-375 exam.
What are the best ways to prepare for the Microsoft 98-375 exam?
In order to prepare adequately for this certification test and pass it with flying colors, you will need to pick only the best training materials among those available online. Below you will find a short list of the most trusted and effective preparation tolls for the Microsoft 98-375 exam:

  • Microsoft Training Center. This training is completely free and will help you to quickly learn and understand the HTML5 fundamentals. It is named Learn HTML5 in 5 Minutes because it is a short but very helpful course.
  • Tutsplus30 day-course to learn HTML and CSS consists of 32 lessons that you can complete in 30 days. It’s a great way to learn the basics of CSS and HTML.
  • is one of the best websites for studyingIT-related topics, as it provides great lessons and examples for both HTML and CSS. This course is also recommended by Microsoft, so you can’t go wrong if you choose this training.
  • If you prefer reading real books, rather than going through online materials, then you can buy a book called Responsive Web Design with HTML5 and CSS3. It costs only $35 USD, but it will steadily guide you through the exam content. It is full of great illustrative screenshots and real examples of HTML5 and CSS3 coding.
  • Before you take it, you should take a number of practice tests recommended by Microsoft. PrepAway Microsoft MTA 98-375 exam dumps are similar to the real one, and when you do them, you will see how much you are prepared for your final assessment. If you can easily complete these practice tests from PrepAway, you have really good chances to pass the real exam as well. But if your practice results are not good enough, then you should probably consider rescheduling the test for a few months. Unfortunately, these practice papersare not free thus you will have to pay around $70-80, depending on what country you live in.

Usually, Microsoft offers two free retakes forany of their certification exams, so you if you fail the 98-375 test, you will not be required to pay the full price again. Microsoft also has the Virtual Academy website to help you prepare for this testwith a wide range of useful videos. Sometimes Microsoft also organizes instructor-led trainings that last for couple of days. These trainings are also very beneficial, as they focus on the question types that are mostly included in the exam. However, such instructor-led trainings are organized only once a year and available only in English.
Is the 98-375 exam worth your efforts?
There is no doubt: all Microsoft credentials are worth the cost, especially this one, as it demonstrates your knowledge of one of the commonly used programming languages, and we all know how much a professional programmer can earn.Also, it teaches you the basic and advanced concepts of two programming languages: HTML and CSS.
The Microsoft credential may help you get your first job as a certified programmer even if you do not have a degree. If you are passionate about creating web pages, then this is the right certification path to choose.