5 Undeniable Reasons to Consider Set It and Forget It Air Filter Delivery

 It’s winter, but are your air filters ready to handle the weather? I’m sure you didn’t have the slightest clue of when you last replaced your air filter, yet it’s a vital piece of equipment in the house.

According to Energy Star, you have to change your air filter at least once each month, especially in harsh weather conditions such as summer and winter. This is because the HVAC works overtime during these periods.

If you’re the type that forgets about such maintenance issues, don’t let your memory cost you your lungs.

Set it and forget it air filter delivery is the ultimate solution and this is why you should consider a delivery service.

1.     You’ll Extend the Lifespan of the HVAC

Most of the time, HVAC systems break down due to clogging of the filter. The main work of air filters is to clean the incoming air and rid it of impurities. As the dirt accumulates on the filter, the system is forced to work extra hard in order to ensure air passage.

This leads to overheating and as a result, the system fails. If you’re lucky, you’ll get away with a simple repair. However, you might end up replacing the entire system and not just the air filter. You can avoid all this by settling on a delivery system which will get the air filter you need on time.

2.     Your Lungs Will Thank You

As you already know, air filters are crucial when it comes to purifying the air coming into the house. This is especially important if one of you has a respiratory condition such as asthma or any other allergies. A dirty filter will worsen an already bad situation because it will not perform its function.

If you keep pets, the dander from the pets will clog the system quite fast. Therefore, it’s important to schedule an air filter delivery in order to get it fixed before the air quality in the house deteriorates.

3.     You’ll Bring Down the Cost of Energy

Did you know the average household spends at least $2,200 every year on energy? This is according to the Department of Energy. However, you can bring down these costs by scheduling a set it and forget it air filter delivery.

As the air filter gets clogged, the system works harder and harder to let air through. This requires extra energy to spin the motor and thus a higher energy bill. By replacing your filter often, you can cut slash up to 15 percent off this figure.

4.     You Can Cancel at Any Time

The best part about a delivery service is you can cancel your subscription at any time. There’s nothing like a long-term commitment. If for any reason you find the subscription unnecessary, simply hit the cancel button.

5.     Peace of Mind

It might not seem like much but think about replacing an entire HVAC system all because you couldn’t replace an air filter. Wouldn’t that affect your peace of mind? Save yourself from all this misery by subscribing to an air filter delivery straight to your front door.

Changing your air filter is an inexpensive process which you should carry out at least every month. On top of that, it’s also important to have a licensed contractor to have a look at the entire HVAC system. This will go a long way in extending the life of the system.