How To Be More Aware of Crime as a New Jersey Business Owner

Whether you’re a startup or a massive corporation, crime prevention is a big deal for any business owner in the New Jersey area. But how exactly can you keep your profits, employees, and community safe from criminal activity? Take a look at some of the most effective measures you can take to ensure a crime-free company.,

Install Security Systems

, In medieval times, did kings build castles that anyone could waltz right into? Of course not! Moats, barricades, thick doors, and guards all kept the fortress well protected. In modern times, we have security systems. Install an integrated system that comes equipped with cameras, an alarm, and a live feedback camera so you can check in on your storefront from a mobile device. Make sure that your security system alerts the police right away. The alarm should go off immediately. You shouldn’t have to notify authorities yourself.,

Maintain a Clean Storefront

, Not only does a tidy street window invite customers into your store, but it also signals to criminals how easy it might be to break in. If the glass is cracking, if there’s trash on the sidewalks, and if the light fixtures are broken, a crook will probably guess that you don’t care enough about this establishment to install a security system. With a well maintained storefront, criminals are less likely to take a leap of faith. Most robbers want an easy payout, so be sure to deter them from illegal activities by presenting a put-together image that signals you’ll take action against any person who tries to harm your beloved business.,

Place Safes at the Front

, While this might seem counterintuitive, burglars will be less likely to rob a store’s safe if it can easily be seen through the street windows. Instead of keeping the valuable items locked up in the back room, feel free to place safes in the main area of the storefront (behind a counter or reception area, of course). Security cameras will have an easier time picking up suspicious activity, and passersby will immediately be able to tell if something is wrong and call the police.,

Perform Background Checks

, It’s not uncommon for an employee to steal from the company that he or she works for. To ensure this doesn’t happen to you, look into their criminal record during the hiring process to find any red flags. Criminal background checks for employment are one of the top ways to weed out shady figures who are only looking to rob you while your back is turned. Even though an interior security system should deter any illegal activity, you want to feel like you can trust everyone on your team. If you don’t foster a good relationship with employees, it’s more likely they’d be willing to commit a crime on your dime.,

Get to Know Law Enforcement

, Even before a crime occurs, make sure you get to know the law enforcement officers you’ll be working with should an emergency arise. Let them know how seriously you take the safety of your business, and keep an open door to any public servants who want to stop by. Criminals might be deterred from hitting your storefront if they know it’s a favorite among officers, and it increases law enforcement’s likelihood to pursue any criminals that harm you.,

Be Involved with the Community

, No matter what neighborhood you live in, there is bound to be criminal activity on some level or another. It’s likely that thieves and robbers live within the community and are aware of the way you interact with other businesses in the surrounding area. Stay in touch with your fellow business owners to create a casual neighborhood watch network where you can inform each other of any robberies in the area. Plus, personal contact can often deter a would-be criminal from going through with the bad deed. If a potential thief walks into your store to scope it out during daylight hours and receives wonderful customer service, it may just persuade them to think twice about their plans. While it’s always a good marketing strategy to be friendly toward customers, it can also act as a crime prevention measure! Who knew?, Between advanced technology and real human interaction, building a strategy against burglars can take a bit of work. But with the right know-how and with strong determination to keep your company safe, New Jersey business owners can successfully ward of crime in their communities.