Safety Check: Worst Diseases that Are Not So Rare


, It is appalling that not many people know that the highest death tolls are not from Cancer or AIDs. Not even neurodegenerative diseases have killed enough people. The highest death toll taken by any disease is Coronary Artery Disease. In 2015 alone, almost 9 million people died due to ischemic heart disease. Most people consider incurable diseases to be the deadliest ones. However, the truth is, a lot of curable and preventable diseases have been responsible for the deaths of millions. This is because it is much more probable to develop a killer disease rather than an incurable disease. Being unaware of the symptoms, risks, and preventions are in all actuality, the leading factor that kills us all.,

Top Diseases to Stay Aware Of:

, Some of the reasons highlighted by a lot of doctors that cause these deaths are very simple. Not having proper medical attention and access to health care along with the knowledge of the symptoms are very important to consider. Here are some of the diseases you should be aware of.,


, As mentioned before, Coronary Artery Disease is the worst disease out there. Some of the causes are smoking, overeating, obesity, unhealthy diet, diabetes, genetic heart condition history, high blood pressure, and cholesterol. CAD doesn’t necessarily kill you instantly, as it narrows the veins supplying blood to the heart which eventually leads to death if it remains untreated. Chest pains are a possible symptom for CAD. Maintaining a proper diet that isn’t rich on sodium and doesn’t affect your cholesterol and glucose level is the only way to avoid this disease.,


, People often misinterpret strokes for something entirely different. Merely stated, when an artery in your brain blocks up or leaks, causing the cells to die due to the lack of oxygen. Symptoms are dizziness and instant confusion and panic inducing through the body with troubles in seeing things and walking. Strokes have the potential to cause long term disabilities if not given proper medical attention to. Strokes are the leading basis of long-term disabilities even now. Having high blood pressure, strokes in the family, smoking with the consumption of oral contraceptives in the same period. The same precautions relating to your diet can help decrease the risk of having a stroke.,

Lower Respiratory Infections:

, Some of the most common respiratory infections can be the deadliest ones. As the name suggests, respiratory infections can cause breathing problems due to the airway of the lungs getting clogged. Tuberculosis, bronchitis, pneumonia, influenza or more commonly known as the flu, are the cause of the deaths of 3.2 million people worldwide. Air pollution, smoking, weak immune system, HIV, asthma are common causes.,

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease:

, COPD is a long-term lung disease that evolves inside, eventually making it impossible to breathe. Some of the most common COPDs are Chronic Bronchitis and Emphysema. At a time, 64 million people have been affected by COPD globally, setting the record for the disease demanding strict attention in 2004. Smoking second-hand cigarettes, lung irritants, family history of COPD or breathing problems in early childhood are the causes for the deaths of 1.7 million people each year.,


, Eating unhealthily is the worst habit you can have. Try not to stress a lot. Avoid mini-heart attacks and panics like losing your cell phones too if you need to. Prepare for everything like getting the app to track cell phone with if you have the habit of losing your phone. Similarly, exercising is a great way to avoid many diseases like CAD and more of those mentioned above.