The most dangerous countries to travel to in 2019

1 The Countries You Don’t Want to Visit in 2019




There are two types of travelers. The first one just wants to chill. They’d book flights to Fiji just to lay on the beach and sip on their cocktail.


The second one wants to make their journey an adventure. These are the people who climb mountains, sail the oceans, and visit countries few dare to visit. They’re pretty self-reliant and you will hardly ever hear them say ‘help write my essay’, no matter what hardships they face.


However, there are some countries you’d better steer clear of, at least in 2019.

1. Syria

The U.S. Travel Advisory ranks Syria as a very dangerous country. No wonder since there’s a war going on there right now. While the official website marks all of the Syrian territory as a no-go zone, the things on the ground are not that bad.


The conflict has largely subsided, and most Syrian cities enjoy a peaceful life now. Fighting is still going on in some places of the country, though.


Civilians are not allowed anywhere near those zones. It’s tough to even enter Syria, as a matter of fact.


The additional problem that you face is that the pro-Assad locals are less than welcoming to US and EU citizens. And that’s hardly a surprise considering the two countries’ heavy involvement in the conflict.

2. Afghanistan

While the President is withdrawing thousands of troops from Afghanistan, that’s not the end of the conflict. The US still has plenty of soldiers and heavy equipment in the country.


The conflict began in the late 1970s when Afghanistan became an arena for a U.S.-Soviet rivalry. And it is still ongoing with the warring factions there being locked in bitter combat.


As a result, US citizens are openly threatened with kidnapping. EU citizens are not particularly safe either.


If you’re not working for the army of one of the nations engaged in the conflict, you’d be better off outside of Afghanistan.

3. South Sudan

If you still want to visit UNESCO sites in South Sudan, you probably didn’t get the memo. The country has been torn apart by civil war since 2013. Since rebel groups started fighting, things never got back to normal.


Fighting a group of rebels is never as easy as fighting a regular army. These people who believe they’re fighting for freedom can hide in the forest and deliver devastating terrorist attacks from there. The conflict is also ugly and brutal – there have been reports of sexual slavery and child soldiers being used.


Since the war began, some parts of the country have experienced famine, and South Sudan is partly shut down. Definitely not the best place to visit.

4. Iraq

Iraq is also one of those places where the US and its allies tried to make a difference in and arguably failed. US troops in Iraq have been deployed since 2003, and though they’re being withdrawn, there’s still a considerable number of them there.


The main threat of visiting Iraq is terrorism and kidnappings. Even though ISIS is defeated as a state, the risk of insurgency remains high. With a lot of other militant groups in the region, visiting Iraq is far from safe.

5. Somalia

Somalia has a long history – the land has been inhabited since the Neolithic age, and it was one of the key points of the Silk Road back in Medieval times. Now Somalia is in the throes of civil war.


Additionally, since poverty is high in Somalia, violent crime is common. If you’re looking for a country to spend a weekend in, Somalia is hardly a good choice.

6. Yemen

Yemen is another Middle Eastern country in the state of civil war. The officially recognized government is fighting its contestants with relative success. The conflict has entered its third year and shows no signs of stopping.


Abductions are common, so Yemen is not a great place to visit.

7. Libya

Libya has some great sites to see, but as long as the conflict there continues, it’s not worth the risk. Once one of the hubs of the Arab Spring, the country overthrew its dictator, but never ended the conflict.


What started off as a perfectly moral struggle of the Libyan people ended up being an ugly stalemate of local powers. And many small militant groups are still active in the country.


Traveling to Libya poses a high threat of abduction or being trapped in the conflict.

8. The Democratic Republic of the Congo

The Democratic Republic of the Congo is the first country on our list for which the US State Department issued a Level 3 Travel Advisory.

However, it’s seeing a surge in local conflicts now. With the recent tribal massacre happening as recently as January 2019, it’s hardly a welcoming place.

9. Pakistan

While Pakistan didn’t have an open conflict with any other state until recently, it is still considered a threat to its visitors. Kidnappings are a common occurrence, and terrorist acts are part and parcel of living in Pakistan.


The fact that it has shown aggression towards India recently, makes it an even less attractive tourist destination.