Tips For Finding Reputable Moving Companies in New Jersey

Moving is, in itself, a challenge. In the coming days, a good and reputable moving company will play an essential role in the transportation of your most valued possessions to your new house. Here are some tips for finding reputable, credible, and dependable moving companies, especially in New Jersey:,


1.      Do a background check,


The first thing you must do is perform a background check on the moving companies in your area. Try to search for them on Google and check out their websites, or look for reviews about their company on the internet. If you have their contact number, try to call them up as well to see if they are responsive. Once you are done doing a background check, you are able to narrow down your choices to a few moving companies in NJ.,


2.      Check for insurance and licenses,


Once you have shortlisted a few moving companies, you must first check if they have a license and insurance. Licensure is important since in order to officially be licensed, the moving company must comply with several regulations that the government lists down to protect consumers against certain risks. Entrusting your belongings to an unlicensed moving company will open you up to many risks that you don’t want to have to worry about.,


Another matter you must check is whether or not the moving company has insurance. In case your possessions get damaged during the move, you’d want to make sure that they’re covered. Insurance will be able to shoulder the costs if ever your furniture breaks or your possessions get stolen during transit. You’d want that extra blanket of security whenever you’re moving. Otherwise, if something happens, you might not get anything back.,


3.      Ask friends and family,


Another effective way to make sure that the moving company is credible is to ask people who have had experience with them. It’s best to know first-hand from people who have availed of the company’s services to see if you will be able to trust them with your belongings. Make sure that those who have availed of their services are satisfied with them. Otherwise, you would want to consider a different moving company. There are still lots to choose from, so choose wisely.,


You can also get a reliable list of movers from different associations such as the American Moving and Storage Association. In addition to that, you may also ask for a list of past clients from the moving company. These may be customers they have worked with previously, and who can give you feedback regarding the services of the moving company.,


4.      Request for a thorough walk-through,


When the estimator has a meeting with you before the big move, request for a walk-through so that you will be familiar with what’s going to happen. The walk-through will lessen surprise fees or procedures during the day itself.,


In this walk-through, you will also be able to judge whether or not the estimator is a good one. A good one will inquire about specifics and take note of all the items you plan to gain from your old home to your new home. They will also weigh each of the goods to give you an accurate estimate. Be prepared to tell the estimator which ones are the items. A good estimator will also be thorough in asking questions, so this is also a sign you must be keen on.,


5.      No large deposit,


A reputable moving company doesn’t demand for large deposits before making the move. Moreover, payments should be paid only upon the delivery of your possessions or furniture that were moved from your old home. If you pay in advance, you are putting yourself at risk of not being able to control when you will see your furniture or possessions again. In addition to that, if you do need to pay some kind of down payment, use a credit card to protect yourself from fraud.,


6.      Avoid blank moving contracts,


A reputable moving company will never let you sign a blank contract. As a reminder, never sign a blank contract. It’s important that you have everything in writing regarding the estimate, extra fees, pick-up date, and delivery date, among other things. A reputable moving company will make sure that all these information are put into writing so that they don’t make a mistake.,




Lift some weight off your shoulders and hire a reputable moving company. If you’ve read this guide, you are already on the right track. Just follow this guide, and moving will simply be a breeze.,
