Price Analysis and Vaping versus Smoking

As can be seen these days, more and more people have started to vape in order to quit smoking. It is a good alternative; however, the only difference is that of cost. Although, the government has placed many taxes on the consumption of cigarettes, people continue to buy cigarettes., The price of cigarettes has increased significantly due to this reason. But, despite this fact, the tobacco industry continues to thrive. With the imposition of taxes, one can argue that cigarettes have become more costly as compared to before and there is a less price difference between vaping and smoking., Vaping vs. Smoking Costs, Let’s have a look at the cost of vaping and smoking so that you can understand which is more affordable. Now, it would be difficult to price vaporizers or cigarettes as just one price as they both come in different sizes and shapes. You can find vape pens that could cost just as little as $20 or some which cost more than $100. Of course, the more that one spends, the more the features they will find in the vape or cigarette. The quality would be much higher as well if you pay more., Normally, vape users would spend somewhere between $40 and $70 to buy a vape which would get them through their day. It is a great place to start for the purpose of finding the difference of cost between the two. Now, let’s just assume that it costs you $60 for a day’s worth of vaping., Cigarettes, A pack of cigarettes would provide you with 400 puffs on the basis of a cigarette providing you with 20 puffs on an average. If we keep this in a mind, then we can conclude that a 5 ml of liquid like cosmic fog could be equivalent to 2 packs of cigarettes. So, if you buy a 10 ml bottle of the liquid, you would get 4-6 packs of cigarettes by focusing on the puffs. This is vital for you to keep in mind when comparing a price analysis between vaping and smoking. If we calculate on the basis of an average smoker, cigarettes could cost anywhere between $1500 and $2000., Vaping, When comparing the cost of vape, one needs to look at the cost of coils, liquids, wicks and other things which one might need. It can be argued that once, you know more about vaping, you will want to spend more on higher quality vape. But, let’s just look at the basics for now. If we factor in all the costs on an average, vaping could cost you around $440 a year., Which is cheaper?, It can be observed that vaping is significantly cheaper as compared to smoking. This is one of the reasons why people have started to quit smoking for vaping. Besides, the lower level of nicotine, vaping could help you quit smoking altogether which will also help reduce money spent on a yearly basis. Clearly, vaping is more affordable.