5 Ways to Increase Facebook Fans without Any Budget

As someone looking to increase their brand visibility on Facebook, it is easy to get attracted by the luring ads that promise instant success after every marketing campaign. However, many entrepreneurs don’t have that much budget to opt for such services. While they do want success, their budget constraints restrict their brand’s immediate flourish. So, if you are in this position, how will you bypass these limitations and achieve greater success? Let’s find out.

1)    Promotional swaps

Unless you invent and sell something absolutely new, there will be competitors around. You can use this competition to best effect. Search at least 30 to 40 competitors promoting their brand selling similar products as you are on Facebook. You guys are most likely to the same target audience and also have approximately the same number of followers. Send these business pages a direct message that if they mention your brand on their post, you will also do the same. This will help to achieve new audiences who will have another brand to compare.

2)    Buy Facebook followers

While this doesn’t strictly agree the “no budget” plan, you can still hear it out. Buying Facebook followers hardly cost you a few bucks. If you can invest in this service, the returns will definitely cover your expenses only in the first quarter. So, practically, it doesn’t cost you anything after a few days. The more followers you have, the more chances they will like, share, and comment on your posts that will increase your brand’s visibility. Famoid, for one, is one of the popular names when it comes to providing genuine Facebook followers at a very affordable price.

3)    Online Facebook ads training

There are tons of videos on YouTube explaining how to schedule your Facebook posts. This involves understanding your target audience, observing when they are most active on social media, and the type of promotional messages/content they like to read. You should trigger your posts accordingly for better results.

4)    Guest curate other pages

Although this is a long-term plan, it may have positive results for your brand. Like promotional swaps, select a few Facebook business pages that are looking for someone to curate their content. Since you are most likely to share a common target audience, you can use the trial and error method to understand the type of content the viewers want to see. If it’s a hit, your brand’s name comes into the limelight.

5)    Conduct Q&A with followers

Select one lucky winner from the followers of your brand and engage in a light Q&A session. Ask them what they like or dislike about your brand, what they expect in the future, how they think you can improve on your products and services, and so on. Q&A sessions with a twist will most likely provide positive results.

Impressing Facebook users is not easy. But you can still maintain a consistent success by increasing fans and followers of your brand by implementing the above ideas. Try them and see the difference in a few months.

Contributed by Jim Bevin