A Letter of Apology from City of Trenton Water and Sewer Director Steven J. Picco to Hopewell Township Residents

To the Editor,

On Friday, Sept. 27, Trenton Water Works issued a boil-water advisory to residents in our five-municipality service area as a result of an equipment malfunction at our central pumping station in Trenton, a condition that was quickly corrected once the source of the problem was discovered.

At the start of our emergency communications, we mistakenly omitted Hopewell Township, which was impacted by the advisory, and therefore our engineering unit produced a map that mistakenly omitted Hopewell Township. Although we corrected the error in the early afternoon, many residents were understandably confused. Although Hopewell Township officials responded quickly and accurately with the information they had on hand, that information was incorrect, and it was solely our error.

Please accept our sincerest apologies, and assurances that steps are being taken to see that it does not happen again. We have reviewed our post-advisory procedures, met with Hopewell Township, and are taking action to make sure that this kind of mistake is not repeated.

While our technical response to the water treatment plant issue was thorough and successful, our communication with you and township officials was considerably less so. Again, my apologies for the needless confusion.

Steven J. Picco