Resident impressed by Azra Baig’s commitment to community

It is my great pleasure to endorse Azra Baig for re-election to the South Brunswick Board of Education.
I have been a member of the South Brunswick Human Relations Commission for 13 years and met Azra when she was appointed six years ago. A few months after joining the commission, Azra accepted the position of chair and I continued to serve as vice-chair.
I was extremely impressed by Azra’s passion to develop and implement a program which would educate and unite our South Brunswick community. Thus, the “Faith, Conversation and Coffee” initiative was launched. Over the past two years, under Azra’s leadership, we had public programs at two churches, a synagogue, a mosque, a Hindu temple and a Buddhist temple. It was really wonderful to attend each program together as we learned along with the participants. We plan to continue the momentum with a visit to a Hindu temple in Robbinsville in November.
The State Senate and General Assembly recently issued a resolution of commendation to the Human Relations commissioners for the work that we did on developing this program. The South Brunswick Town Council also issued a proclamation for this program.
In addition to these events, under Azra’s guidance, we have a table at National Night Out, issue a scholarship to a high school senior, co-sponsor programs at the library, and stand ready to assist victims of bias incidents should the town council request us to do so.
Azra is an extremely committed member of our community and her desire to build bridges of understanding and stand up against bias of all types is to be greatly admired. I hope you will join me in re-electing Azra to the school board.
Jodi Marcou
South Brunswick