Letter to the Editor: Vote McLaughlin, Peters-Manning on Nov. 5

To the Editor,

Why wait for 2020 when your vote will matter this November?

Hopewell Township residents can cast a vote for our community’s prosperous future on Nov. 5 by re-electing Mayor Kristin McLaughlin and electing Courtney Peters-Manning to the Hopewell Township Committee.

Their qualifications match what our community needs to meet the opportunities and challenges ahead. As mayor this year, McLaughlin has overseen the end of years of costly litigation in satisfying the township’s state-mandated affordable housing obligation. She has personally – and at her own expense – made two trips to Washington, D.C., to meet with commissioners from the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, the agency that gives federal approval for pipelines, letting them know how PennEast’s prep work has affected our community and others.

Under her leadership, the township committee cut the discretionary portion of its budget this year by nearly 3%, keeping services and safety, while stewarding our tax dollars.

By electing Peters-Manning, Hopewell Township would gain a fifth member of the township committee who will meet our community’s needs with a forward-thinking approach, and she’ll treat residents with respect. Her credentials on the environment are also strong, as she has testified in Trenton against PennEast and has participated in events protesting the pipeline.

If you won’t be able to get to the polls on Nov. 5, you can get a Vote By Mail application at bit.ly/MercerCountyVBM. The county clerk’s office must receive it by mail by Oct. 29, or in person by 3 p.m. on Nov. 4.

Don’t sit out 2019 waiting for 2020. These candidates are worthy of your support, and especially in local elections, every vote matters.

Andrew Borders
Hopewell Township

Mr. Borders is a member of the Hopewell Township Zoning Board but writes as an individual resident.