Amboy bankers volunteer at Eva’s Village

As Eva’s Village volunteers, Amboy Bank employees helped to prepare the Community Kitchen, serve lunch and cleanup after meal service.

The mission of Eva’s Village is to provide care and support for people who are struggling with poverty, hunger, homelessness and addiction. Their community of supportive services, based in Paterson, includes food, shelter, addiction and mental health treatment, childcare, job training, medical and dental care, and housing.

“Eva’s Village is truly making a difference in the society and in the lives of the people they serve. We believe in their mission to help everyone who comes to them for help with a comprehensive and individualized approach. They address both basic needs, like food and shelter, as well as more complex issues, such as mental health and homelessness. We commend their kindness and compassion, and we are proud to support their mission,” said Greg Scharpf, Amboy Bank President and CEO.