Letter to the Editor: Kristin and Courtney for Hopewell Township

To the Editor,

I am writing in support of Mayor Kristin McLaughlin and Courtney Peters-Manning for Hopewell Township Committee.

Kristin is doing a very good job tirelessly following up on the many decisions to be made in order to protect our way of life in Hopewell Township and listening to citizens’ concerns regarding township issues. I attend a lot of township events and the mayor is always there.

Courtney Peters-Manning is committed to issues important to me, such as preserving open space.  She wants to keep taxes under control, and she has the professional experience to help the township do so. From what I know about her and what I have seen, Courtney will be another civil voice on the township committee.

The Penn East pipeline is the biggest threat to the township. I have participated in marches against the pipeline and know the majority of the township committee have done so, too. Kristin has traveled to Washington, DC, twice to talk with federal leaders about the pipeline and Courtney has spoken out against it as well.

Kristin and Courtney are my choices for Hopewell Township Committee. Please vote on Nov. 5.

Betty Ruger
Hopewell Township