Letter to the Editor: Vote for serious-minded, thoughtful leaders

To the Editor,

I am weary of negative politics and bad news. It takes great effort to find out about candidates and, between the onslaught of national news and misleading opinions, voting takes an act of faith.

The good news is that this year it is easy to vote for two Hopewell Township Committee members. Kristin McLaughlin and Courtney Peters-Manning are serious-minded, thoughtful leaders who will do what is right, and sometimes difficult, for Hopewell Township’s residents and environment. I have worked closely with both women and each of them asks good questions, does her research, and keeps an open mind when making decisions that affect our taxes and our community.

Kristin and Courtney are tireless workers, and both are consensus builders. Being a township committee member requires a lot of work. You need to create and attend countless meetings. You need to do your homework on land use, road conditions, trail building, social services, clean water, municipal finance and many other issues. You can count on these women to take the time and be prepared for whatever faces us.

Each candidate brings something different to the table: Kristin has experience working with all levels of government, and Courtney is an environmental lawyer, the finance director of a local school, and an active community volunteer.

Both are fully aware that each decision made impacts our health, quality of life, and our pocketbook.

This year it is easy to recognize and support these exceptional candidates. Please join me in voting for Kristin McLaughlin and Courtney Peters-Manning on Nov. 5.

Julie Blake
Hopewell Township

Julie Blake is a member of the Hopewell Township Committee but writes as an individual resident.